Journey to Net Zero

the Path to Net Zero with Sustainable innovations

Discover our commitment to sustainability and our journey towards achieving net zero emissions.
Driving Change & Sustainability Solutions
Carbon offsetting offers a convenient and cost-effective way
Carbon Offset Solutions
Carbon Offset Fuel
Carbon Offset Standalone Purchase

Carbon offsetting offers a convenient and cost-effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. A carbon offset represents a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions that can be used to compensate for emissions made somewhere else.

Sustainability Solutions
Carbon Reduction Plan
Source Renewable Energy & Fuel

For all customers, we can now offer carbon offset fuel, allowing you to lower your carbon footprint without changing the type of fuel you use.

Offset Your Carbon Emissions With The Gib Oil GO Card today

Every litre of fuel you purchase using the GO Card is carbon neutral*. This initiative is made possible through Gib Oil securing carbon credits that offset the Scope 1 emissions generated by consuming the fuel you purchase**. These carbon offsets are sourced from a variety of independently accredited carbon projects around the globe, which are certified to capture or reduce CO2 emissions. These offsets are applied exclusively to GO Card purchases on a litre-for-litre basis and are free of any additional charge to you. If you would like to learn more about the carbon offset projects we source from, please let us know and we will have one of our sustainability professionals reach out to you.

*Carbon Neutral for Scope 1 emissions.
**Scope 1 emissions, as calculated per litre fuel using 2.70kg CO2e/unit conversion factor.

Since this initiative was launched in April 2023, over 10,878 Mt C02eq have been offset by Gib Oil on behalf of its GO Card customers.

IMPORTANT: The purchase and sale of Carbon Offset Fuel is a contractual chain of custody system: it is not a renewable energy certificate program, nor any other regulated carbon emission compliance instrument and is not part of any renewable portfolio standard or any other local, state, provincial, federal, national or supranational law, rule or regulation regime relating to renewable energy.

Apply for Go Card

Carbon Calculator

Understand Your C02 Impact

Our simple carbon calculator allows you to calculate your carbon emission equivalent, and better understand the CO2 impact of your fuel use.   You can also Request a Call Back from our team, to learn more about the ways we can help you to offset your carbon footprint.

Fuel Calculator

*The calculations from our carbon calculator are consistent with the UK Government GHG conversion factors for UK liquid fuel grades (2023), as available from BEIS.

IMPORTANT: The purchase and sale of Carbon Offset Fuel is a contractual chain of custody system: it is not a renewable energy certificate program, nor any other regulated carbon emission compliance instrument and is not part of any renewable portfolio standard or any other local, state, provincial, federal, national or supranational law, rule or regulation regime relating to renewable energy.

Empowering Your Success
Carbon Offset Solutions

Our mission is simple: to provide reliable, efficient, and cost-effective fuel solutions that enable our customers to thrive. We pride ourselves on our commitment to safety, quality, and environmental responsibility, and we work tirelessly to exceed our customers' expectations at every turn.

Simply ask our sales advisors to switch to offset fuel when you place your next fuel order. By choosing to purchase Carbon offset fuel, you’ll be lowering your carbon footprint by directly contributing to the global carbon projects we’re partnering with, and the UN SDGs they are supporting.

Submit an enquiry
Carbon Solutions
Beyond carbon offsetting

Using Our Global Expertise And Local Insights

Beyond carbon offsetting

Using our global expertise and local insights

While not a complete solution for managing your company’s entire carbon footprint, carbon offsets are an effective bridging mechanism that can be used to compensate for residual and direct carbon emissions.But we can also help you go further.

In partnership with our colleagues at World Kinect Energy Services, our sustainability experts can look beyond carbon offsetting to advise you on the most impactful, measurable and practical solutions to help your business reach its sustainability targets.

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